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PALO SANTO ~The Mystical Tree with a long spiritual history dated back to the Incan Era. Wildly grown in the tropical dry forests of Ecuador, Peru and the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Named Palo Santo -"Holy Wood" or "the wood of the saints" by Spanish monks who believed that the Spirit of the tree rendered healing benefits in assisting in restoring your physical and energetic wellbeing. For this reason, properly harvested Palo Santo tress are never cut down; the wood and essential oils can only be extracted after the natural death of the tree. It was revered for its medicinal benefits relieving symptoms of common colds, asthma, flu, stress, anxiety and emotional pain by Healers and shamans of South America.

Healing Benefits: Attracts positive energy, Detoxifies and Purifies your space, clears negative energy and brings physical and spiritual healing. Relieves Stress & Anxiety, Grounds and Centers. Most widely used for spiritual protection and energy cleansing.

Directions: Set the Intention for your space. Still your mind. Light Palo Santo over a candle, lighter, or match in safe space. Hold stick downward at a45 degree angle. Let stick burn for 30 seconds then Blow out flame. Place stick in a heatproof dish, smudge bowl or incense burner. Let Burn. Use within home, car, workspace, bathroom. Enjoy rich fragrance to invite in peace, clarity and good feeling.

SUSTAINABLY SOURCED IN PERU: Our Palo Santo originates in the Peruvian heartland, where only naturally fallen trees are used to make Palo Santo holy sticks.

Order Single Stick

3 - Stick Bundle
6 - Stick Bundle
9 - Stick Bundle

Palo Santo Smudge Sticks

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