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Spiritual Support & Energy Healing 

Intuitive/ Psychic Reading 


 A Psychic Reading, done by Ra’Keeya, also known as Intuitive Keys, offers an individual a glimpse into their past, present and future. “Keys” uses her clairsentient/ clairvoyant psychic medium and intuitive gifts to  Channel your energy and the energy surrounding your current situation. Psychic Guidance serves as a “guiding light”  providing you with clarity, peace of mind, confirmations and answers to your souls questions as well as insight into your purpose and direction. A Psychic does not read your entire life. Keys merely give you a scoop of critical details obtained from your current energetic vibration & aura. You can then use these little details to adjust and improve your life accordingly.

 Consider a psychic reading like a spiritual GPS  to help you along your journey to pursuing your purpose and living a life fulfilled. Are you on the right path? 

Consider a psychic reading like a spiritual GPS  to help you along your journey to pursuing your purpose and living a life fulfilled. Are you on the right path? 

Reiki Energy & Chakra Healing

Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch and/or visualization ,meditation, and energy work to support the movement ”Ki”  life force energy within the body To help balance and align your chakras.  Your Chakras are “Energy wheels”.  During a Reiki Session Ra’Keeya energetically scans your seven Chakras for alignment & blockages. Each chakra is a vortex consisting of a multidimensional ball of energy.  When Ki is flowing through each chakra smoothly, one will function more relaxed and clearer with a higher purpose. Although, when chakras are blocked and restricted, one might experience physical, energetic, mental-emotional, intellectual, and karmic blockages. During chakra healing It is believed that when the chakras are balanced and energy flows freely through them, the body and mind can experience improved health and harmony


Spiritual Life Coaching & Mentorship 

Having a Spiritual Life Coach is like having a personal compassionate guide on your life journey.  A spiritual life coach is a compassionate advisor dedicated to supporting you on your spiritual journey as well as on your path to self-discovery, inner peace, and spiritual alignment. With a deep understanding of spiritual principles and personal development, your spiritual advisor empowers you to unlock your potential, break through self-limiting beliefs, and embrace your authenticity using tools, techniques, goal setting and mindfulness to cultivate a life of purpose, intention and fulfillment. 

A spiritual life coach is a catalyst for transformation, supporting you in embracing your higher self, cultivating inner harmony, and navigating life's journey with clarity and purpose.


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